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TCNA Annual Meeting - August 19

TCNA Annual Meeting to be held in Runnells Hall

Tamworth Community Nurse Assoc. to hold Annual Meeting at Noon, Wednesday Aug. 19.

The Tamworth Community Nurse Association will host its 2015 Annual Meeting on Wednesday, August 19, at noon, at Runnells Hall in Chocorua.

“You Can Be Happier Now.”

The TCNA is shaking things up this year by holding its annual meeting at noon versus the traditional evening hour. The community is invited to be guests of TCNA for lunch and a talk by John Doherty, author of the book “You Can Be Happier Now.” He will explain that Aristotle once said, "Happiness is the whole aim and end of human existence,” and Doherty decided he was right. How we should live, how we should treat others, how we should select our life goals were the skills that would determine how happy one was. His study of happiness included the wisdom of religions, neuroscience, psychology and common sense. He found that how to live happily was no secret, but had been taught, preached, and verified by science for years.

Guests will enjoy music by Becky VerPlanck while they mingle with TCNA staff and board members, who will update everyone on TCNA happenings. And remember, it wouldn’t be a TCNA Annual Meeting without scrumptious blueberry ice cream from the Sandwich Creamery!

The TCNA requests an RSVP from anyone who would like to attend this always fun and informative event in order to predict attendance and be sure there is enough blueberry ice cream for all. Need a ride? They can help with that, too. Please call 323-8511 to RSVP or for further information of any sort.

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