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Tamworth Community Nurse Assoc. Annual Meeting, Aug. 15, 2018


Contact: Tamworth Community Nurse Association, 603.323.8511

August 6, 2018

Tamworth Community Nurse Assoc. Annual Meeting, Aug. 15

Fiddler Shana Aisenberg to speak on contra dancing at TCNA annual get-together

The Tamworth Community Nurse Association invites the public to attend its annual meeting on Wednesday, Aug. 15, at noon, at Runnells Hall in Chocorua. This year, attendees will be joined by Shana Aisenberg, a local musician, who will speak about one of New England’s longtime traditions, contra dancing.

In typical contra dances, also called barn dances and kitchen junkets, two lines of people face each other and learn to step to the tunes in fun and interesting patterns. Contra dancing is a wonderful activity for building community and is also aerobic. Shana played guitar for her first contra dance in 1977 in Philadelphia and has enjoyed playing in contra dance bands since. During the 1980s - 1990s she played guitar and mandolin with various contra dance bands in Northern Virginia, Maryland and Washington, DC, developing a deep interest in Southern Appalachian fiddle music while living in that area. While playing fiddle with NH square dance caller Lester Bradley for a few years before his passing, Shana was inspired to learn some of Lester's traditional singing square dance calls and is especially interested in carrying on this local tradition. She moved to NH in 1996, and regularly fiddles dances throughout the region.

In addition to the program, the TCNA will provide the audience with a complimentary lunch, some music, lively conversation and a scoop of homemade blueberry ice cream! The TCNA requests that anyone interested in attending the event please RSVP to 603-323-8511 (to be sure that there’s plenty of lunch for all) and to contact the same number with any questions.

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