“Alzheimer’s Disease Causes and Risk Factors”
Here is a good read: https://www.healthline.com/health/alzheimers-disease#causes-and-rish-factors
Experts haven’t determined a single cause of Alzheimer’s disease, but they have identified certain risk factors, including:
Age. Most people who develop Alzheimer’s disease are 65 years of age or older.
Family history. If you have an immediate family member who has developed the condition, you’re more likely to get it.
Genetics. Certain genes have been linked to Alzheimer’s disease.
Alzheimer's Symptoms
memory loss affecting daily activities, such as an ability to keep appointments
trouble with familiar tasks, such as using a microwave
difficulties with problem-solving
trouble with speech or writing
becoming disoriented about times or places
decreased judgment
decreased personal hygiene
mood and personality changes
withdrawal from friends, family, and community
Related Articles:
Dementia vs Alzheimer's - What are the Differences? https://www.tamworthnurses.org/post/dementia-vs-alzheimers