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Updated: Nov 23, 2020

Join us on Saturday November 21st. 12:30 PM. The Gordon Path, is a 1.8 mile round trip. Easy.

We will start our hike at the big Ferncroft hiking parking lot. From there we will start out on an old road/ski trail and bear right on the Gordon Path. This trail travers’s easy terrain through beautiful woods, climbs one gentle hill, and descends to a field close to Route 113A. Instead of going out to the road, we will bear right and return to our cars on ski trails and old roads. On this hike one has the opportunity to appreciate the forest that borders the Wonalancet Intervale, once called Birch Intervale.

To get to the trailhead, from the four corners in Tamworth village, bear right on Route 113A or the Chinook Trail. Continue for 6.5 miles to the white Wonalancet Chapel in Wonalancet. Bear right after the chapel. Continue down Ferncroft Road and bear right into hiker parking lot.

Photo- Gordon Path by Ed Parsons

MEET WHEN: 11/21/2020, Saturday, 12:30pm (Rain date 11/22, 12:30pm)

MEET WHERE: Wonalancet - *See directions above, or Call Ed

HIKE LEADERS: Ed Parsons and John Watkins


For more information call Ed Parsons at 603-960-0363. This hike is sponsored by the Tamworth Community Nurse Association.


On Saturday Nov. 21, fifteen people met at the Ferncroft hiker parking lot. From there we started hiking east on the dirt road and bore right on the 0.8 mile Gordon Path. This is a very pleasant trail, built by Kate Sleeper around the turn of the 20th century to connect the Wonalancet Inn to Sandwich Range trails. It was enjoyed by all.

Instead of walking out to Route 113A upon its completion, we bore right and looped back to Ferncorft on ski trails. As usual we lingered at cars at the end, wished all a happy Thanksgiving and looked forward to next weekend's hike.

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