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Measles Outbreak

Tamworth Community Nurse Assoc. hosts Q&A program on the measles. At the request of the Tamworth Community Nurse AssociationHuggins Hospital

Attendees at the Measles 6/26/19 presentation

professionals Dr. Michael Matos, pediatrician, and Pamela Dudek, MS, RN CIC, CNOR, who specializes in disease infection and prevention, presented a slide show and talk about measles and the current outbreak of the deadly disease in

communities across the country. A question-and-answer period followed the presentation. The program was held on Wednesday, June 26, at the K.A. Brett School, Tamworth, NH and the intent was to clear up some of the myths and misunderstandings surrounding both the disease and the vaccination that is used to immunize people against it.

Pictured above (Left to Right) Dr. Michael Matos, Pam Dudek, RN, and Jo Anne Rainville

For further information about the Tamworth Community Nurse Association, call 603-323-8511, or visit its website at

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