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Measles: What You Should Know

Learn all you can about this dangerous disease.

In an effort to clear up many of the myths and misunderstandings surrounding the current measles outbreak in communities across the country, the Tamworth Community Nurse Association will present a program entitled “Measles: What You Should Know,” on Wednesday, June 26, at 7 p.m. at the K.A. Brett School in Tamworth.

Huggins Hospital professionals Dr. Michael Matos, pediatrician, and Pamela Dudek, an RN specializing in disease infection and prevention, will host the program and answer any questions the audience poses. Both are experienced with measles and its many symptoms and can answer any questions regarding the disease and its ramifications.

Rubeola (measles) is a potentially disastrous disease, and it can take up to two weeks after exposure before symptoms of the disease appear. According to the Mayo Clinic, "measles is spread by:

  • Mother to baby by pregnancy, labor or nursing

  • Airborne respiratory droplets (coughs and sneezes)

  • Saliva (kissing or shared drinks).

  • Skin to skin contact (handshakes or hugs).

  • Touching contaminated surface (blanket or doorknob).

Considering the unusually large number of measles cases that have been diagnosed in the U.S. recently — including several in New Hampshire — it’s important to know exactly how dangerous the disease really is and what to look for to determine whether a person is suffering from it. While a red rash and spots are the most obvious signs of a measles infection, other possible symptoms such as fever, runny nose, cough, and red eyes are also found in patients. It can be complicated by ear infections, pneumonia, encephalitis (that can cause convulsions, mental retardation, and even death) and more. During pregnancy, measles can trigger miscarriages or premature delivery. Measles can be prevented through vaccination.

The TCNA welcomes and encourages anyone interested in learning more about the measles to attend the June 26 presentation. This is a disease that no one should turn their back on and this is a great opportunity to ask questions and learn from experienced professionals who look forward to sharing their knowledge with the audience.

For further information, call the TCNA at 603-323-8511. The event is free of charge.

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