Our Purpose
The Tamworth Community Nurse Association is a free skilled nursing service non-profit organization whose mission is:
To promote the physical, mental and social well-being of all residents of Tamworth;
To encourage and maintain a healthy, vibrant community;
To offer individuals of all ages free-of-charge skilled nursing care;
To provide educational programs and assistance by coordinating access to other available services and resources

We put you first!
Hello. My name is Jo Anne Rainville, RN. Caring for others is our calling. We are dedicated to listening, understanding, and meeting our patients' and residents' needs.

We care about you!
Greetings, my name is Pam Martin, LPN / Phlebotomist. I am skilled and experienced in caring for people with a wide range of needs and conditions.
You Can Make a Difference

We depend your generosity to sustain our work.

Instantly your donation will make a difference in preserving a quality of life.

Everything is better when we stick together.

We depend your generosity to sustain our work.
Donations Gratefully Accepted
Please remember, we charge no fee for services. We are dependent on your support for continuing our skilled nursing care to Tamworth residents. Learn how you can help. Visit our Donate TCNA page.
TCNA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.