Coming Soon ~
the First All Persons
Trail in Tamworth!


Tamworth Community Nurse Association, in partnership with the Chocorua Lake Conservancy, is excited to announce the planned construction of the first All Persons Accessible Trail in Tamworth.
The trail will be located on conservation land that is privately owned and will be accessible from the Hammond trailhead parking lot on Scott Road in Tamworth. It will offer a beautiful woodland setting, a seasonal brook, and a destination point on the bank of the Chocorua River. This is where a viewing platform with railings and a bench will allow those who traverse the trail to stop and rest in the beauty of the surroundings. The trail distance is 0.5 miles out and back and will feature compacted stone dust mix and boardwalk sections with railings over the wet areas. There will also be interpretive signs which will describe special features along the trail and serve as an educational tool. And the best part is this trail will be ADA compliant and accessible to all!
TCNA views this trail as an extension of the health services we provide, using the natural environment to promote improved health and wellbeing of residents and visitors. From the youngest to our most senior citizens, all can enjoy the experience of being out in the woods, the sounds, the smells, the sights that draw us in, bring us peace, allow us to escape the busyness of the day, if just for a few minutes. Children can explore while walking along a flat, safe surface or enjoy riding along in a stroller; adults can gather to socialize and catch up with friends. The possibilities are endless!