TCNA Services
Vital sign checks
Blood draws
Therapeutic Injections
Evaluation and treatment of wounds
Suture removal
Nutrition assessments
Diet and exercise counseling
Flu clinics
New baby visits and more...
Home visits for treatment
Safety checks
Emotional support
Hospice care
Diet and exercise counseling
Creation of living wills, DNR’s and health care proxies
Advocating for patients and their families
Shower Chairs
Bed Rails
Cryo (ice) Cuffs
Gait Belts
Toilet Rails
Health and Wellness Educational Workshops
Arthritis and Joint Disease
Mindfulness Meditation
History of Osteopathy
Benefits of Stretching
"Dying in America"

Addressing Town of Tamworth Health & Welfare Issues
Arsenic in the drinking water
Triple E threats
Impacts of Noise Pollution
Emergency Planning
Creating a Safe Community