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Timeline of TCNA

A Period of Enlightenment


Laboratory equipment purchased: Piccolo Chemistry Analyzer, and Infinian HGA1c in order to save our residents additional monies and travel time.


Automatic External Defibrillators (AEDs) given to all places of worship, nonprofits & gathering places in Tamworth with support of the Tamworth Foundation.


University of New Hampshire (UNH) completes a yearlong study to determining that savings to the healthcare system as a result of TCNA's work.


TCNA adds new services: Nebulizer treatments, Strep testing, Blood coagulation testing


TCNA takes on the task to inoculate the “at risk” populace against the first viral pandemic to strike in the last in 50 years.


Moved into a newly built facility at 84R Main Street.


Coordination of Meals on Wheels comes under TCNA umbrella.


Tamworth Meals On Wheels Program starts.


Our foundress, Mrs Whittemore, passes away, leaving half her estate as an endowment for TCNA. Today, that endowment continues to contribute to the support of TCNA's operating costs.


TCNA moves into the new K. A. Brett School building. The Salk Polio Inoculation Program initiated.


TCNA purchases its first car for use by the nurse.


TCNA joins with the Civil Defense in a “general effort to marshal the entire community for defense & national service.”


The TCNA Board is formed consisting “of three members from each section of town, Mrs. Stella White (Chairman), Mrs. Flora Currier, Mrs. Hazel Currier, from Tamworth Village; Mrs. Carrie Nickerson, Mrs. Eva Moore, Mrs. Edith Bickford, from Chocorua; Mrs. Mary Fall, Miss M.T. Gregg, Mrs. Ellen Bookholz from South Tamworth.”

A meeting of the 'Visiting Nurse Committee' May 1st, 1934.

left to right

3 - Faith Gregg Bemis

Dog Scottie


Nurse Gertrude Seiders starts. “Using her own Ford car, she has been able to cover the Town’s wide territory frequently, calling in Chocorua, the Village, and in the South side in the same day.”


The Tamworth Community Nurse serves as school nurse to nine schools and 153 children. Two dental clinics were held for children, as well as TB screening, vision and audiology exams.

1921 - 1924

Mrs. Whittemore, Mrs. Franklin Balch and a few other unnamed supporters hire a Red Cross Nurse for 3 months of the year.

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